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The card compatible with the NANO 3.0 is a card designed to fulfill all the functions of the Arduino NANO but at an accessible price for the student or for anyone who wants to enjoy its benefits. Use CH340 chip for connection to computer.

Includes USB cable.

Arduino NANO 3.0 compatible

  • Use ATmega328P Microcontroller and CH340G USB Serial Converter

    Operating voltage: 5V

    Input voltage: 5 - 9V

    Output voltages: 5V and 3V at indicated pins

    Maximum current per pin: 40mA

    Flash memory: 32kB of which 5kB is used by the bootloader

    SRAM 2kB

    EEPROM: 1kB

    Oscillator frequency: 16MHz

    14 input / output pins of which 6 are PWM outputs

    5 analog input channels

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